Retro Fitting or Replacing Defender Td5 Heated Seat Switches

*This blog post contains hyperlinks to a large variety of part numbers which are relevant to the subject. If the link no longer works it means the part has either been discontinued by Land Rover or MUD-UK Ltd. All prices are correct at time of writing.

One of the biggest problems when refurbing the Defender Td5 dashboard (2002-2006) is how to retrofit heated seats without ruining the factory dashboard. Land Rover in their infinite wisdom fitted a set of 6 matching switches along the top of the factory fascia, 2x electric window switches below those and then 2x heated seat switches below those (as pictured below)The heated seat switches are actually the same size switch as the 6 along the top row, however they are fitted in a portrait style as opposed to the landscape switches along the top of the dashboard. That leaves the factory switch as your only option if you’re looking to add heated seats to a vehicle that wasn’t originally fitted with them. The RH switch is now obsolete at Land Rover which leaves only the LH switch available. The price is an eye watering £62 per switch, with second hand seller prices not much better due to the lack of availability of this much sought-after switch.

Defender Td5 Heated Seat LH-  YUG102430 (also fitted to later Discovery 2).

Defender Td5 Heated Seat RH- YUG102440 (obsolete) (also fitted to later Discovery 2).

However, after doing a bit of research, we have discovered that there are other genuine Land Rover switches you can use to create an OEM finish to your aftermarket install.

It’s important to point out that Land Rover fits all of its switches with keyways so that each switch will only fit in the switch hole with the correct corresponding female keyway. This was so employees on the assembly line knew which switch to fit in which hole. You’ll need to remove the keyway from any switch from a different vehicle in order to override Land Rovers assembly system. This is a simple task, use a craft knife to remove the keyway as below (it’s a 5 second job). The switches are a snug fit in their holes so removing the keyway isn’t a problem.This will allow you to fit any of the following switches into the Defender Td5 Heated Seat switch holes.

Discovery 2 Heated Seat Switches

The Discovery 2 Heated Seat switches are exactly the same as the Defender Td5 switch. In fact, the later model (facelift) Discovery was fitted with the same part number switch. The earlier (pre-facelift) Discovery 2 heated seat switch has a different part number but can still be used as it has the same dimensions and will slot straight into the switch hole below the electric window switch in the Td5. Whilst these still retail at strong money from JLR you can pick these up second hand on sites like eBay for a lot cheaper than the YUG102440 or YUG102430 Defender switches.

Early Discovery 2 Heated Seat- LH – YUG500050PUY-  RRP £62.78 each

Early Discovery 2 Heated Seat- RH- YUG500080PUY-  RRP £62.78 each

One thing to look out for if you are buying second hand switches is slightly different shades of black of the rocker, this is probably due to use/sun light exposure as there is no specification of colour within the parts catalogue. It’s also worth bearing in mind that although the heated seat switches are handed there’s no reason you can’t fit x2 of the LH or x2 of the RH to your Defender. By removing the keyway as above the switch will fit in either slot in the Defender TD5, the only difference is the housing connector. There is more detail on which connectors you need at the bottom of this blog. See the picture below for the slight shade differences between YUG102440, and two versions of the YUG500080PUY respectively.

Range Rover Classic  1992-1994 Switches

Similarly, the switches fitted between the cubby box and the gear shifter of the Classic Range Rover and the 300Tdi Discovery will also fit into the Td5 dash. These switches are obsolete at Land Rover but can be picked up on eBay for around £25 each. Note: I have played around with these switches and they are very temperamental, I guess that’s not a surprise when you consider they are 30 years old!

Range Rover Classic Heated Seat Switch- LH AMR3601

Range Rover Classic Heated Seat Switch- RH AMR3602Pic courtesy of 98roverguy

Freelander 1 Heated Seat Switches (Facelift ((V)FROM4A000001)

At first look the later Freelander 1 have completely different switches to the Defender Td5. However here at MUD we’ve done a ‘deep dive’ into various Land Rover switches used throughout the 90s and early 2000s. The results have been interesting.

The rocker of the Freelander switch is very different to the Defender however the switch body is exactly the same shape. Whilst the switch has a different part number, they both fit into the same sized switch hole. Both styles are latching off-on switches and are also wired in exactly the same way (see wiring information further down the blog).

Note: The pre facelift version of the Freelander 1 Heated Seat switches (YUG103110LNF & YUG103100LNF) are also based on the same switch body, however the shape of the rocker means it doesn’t sit flush in the Td5 dashboard.Despite the switches having different rockers we think the Freelander switches still look good and provide an OEM style finish compared with fitting an aftermarket switch and of course they click straight into the factory dashboard and follow the same wiring pattern as the original Td5 switches (see wiring instructions below).

Again, the price of the Freelander switch is comparable to the Defender TD5 switch as these currently retail from JRL at £72 per switch. However, they are available from second hand sellers at a fraction of the price of the Defender switch. Certainly, worth considering as you could reduce the cost of your install by over £100.

Freelander 1 (Facelift) Heated Seat LH -YUG500290PUY – JLR Price £59.46

Freelander 1 (Facelift) Heated Seat RH -YUG500280PUY – JLR Price £59.46I’ve decided to save some money by fitting the Discovery or Freelander heated seat switch but how do I wire them up?

The good news is that the Discovery, Freelander and Defender switches mentioned in this blog are all wired using the same wiring scheme. This can be simplified as

Pin 1- Power In

Pin 2- Sidelight Feed (illuminates the heated seat legend Green)

Pin 3- Leave Blank (this is an internally wired earth to pin 5)

Pin 4- Power Out

Pin 5- Earth

To create the cleanest install possible, you’ll also need the corresponding housing connector. Land Rover uses different keyed connectors on different switches (again to help the assembly line). Please see the switches below with their corresponding housing connector. The housing connectors are also available to purchase separately and come with 5 switch terminals. It is possible to remove the keyways from the connectors but using the correct coloured connector for its respective switch makes for a tidier/neater install.


Classic Range Rover ’92-94 Heated Seat (LH) AMR3601 = Green Connector YPC10526

Classic Range Rover ’92-94 Heated Seat (RH) AMR3602 = White Connector YPC10524


Early Discovery 2 Heated Seat (LH) YUG500050PUY= Green Connector YPC10526

Early Discovery 2 Heated Seat (RH) YUG500080PUY= Black Connector YPC10523

Discovery 2 & Def' Td5 Heated Seat (LH) YUG102430= Green Connector YPC10526

Discovery 2 & Def' Td5 Heated Seat (RH) YUG102440= Black Connector YPC10523


Freelander 1 (Facelift) Heated Seat (LH) YUG500290PUY= White Connector YPC10524

Freelander 1 (Facelift) Heated Seat (RH) YUG500280PUY= Blue Connector YPC10525

1 comment



This is really helpful, when I bought my TD5 it had aftermarket heated seats fitted but not wired in, I have never got round to doing as i don’t want to move away from the factory look, I might try it now with this info, the only other issue is that the aftermarket has a two position switch to operate either just the base or the base and the back heating pads and I’m not sure how to wire that in? Do people fit relays to turn heated seat off after awhile – wondering if they’ll overheat??

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